Monday, January 21, 2008

The Apartment

I watched “The Apartment” again over the weekend and what a film. Today’s Rom-Coms (what an awful description) don’t even come close. You can watch the film on so many levels: for laughs and there are plenty of pithy one-liners, as an insight into human relationships or simply as a love story with a happy ending. It’s a testament to Billy Wilder’s skills that a Christmas Eve suicide attempt can leave you smiling at the end.

All very interesting, but what’s this got to do with cycling style I hear you type? Well don’t be fooled by the Apartment just because Billy Wilder preferred to film in black and white. The world that Jack Lemmon’s C.C. Baxter inhabits is rich in innovation.
  • He owns a TV with as many channels as I have and what’s more it has remote control
  • He prepares TV dinners
  • He has an early equivalent of a personal computer on his desk
  • One of bosses uses an electric shaver – at work
  • Another boss drives a VW Beetle

and all in 1960, though the film’s set in ’57.

So what’s the newest innovation on your bike that makes a difference? Clipless pedals? Hinault was using them over 20 years ago. STI levers? First professional race used them to win in ’91 according to Bob Roll. Tri-bars? Lemond brought the idea across from tri-athelets to win the ’87 TDF. There's not really been much to get excited about, despite what the cycling magazines tell us.

While The Apartment seems so dated, technological “progress” it depicts can sometimes be overrated. It's happening now with the seduction the gear freak cycling fraternity. It can’t be extended to both sexes – I cannot believe that women get excited over Campagnolo’s new “Ultra Torque” hollow coupling, two piece crankset. But then perhaps I’m being a sexist as C.C. Baxter’s lothario bosses?

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