Thursday, January 31, 2008
Form follows fun

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Christmas present or New Year’s Resolution?

So was this a Christmas present of was it a New Year’s resolution? Surely nobody organises all their present buying friends to start an entirely new sport - with a round robin of emails to aunty Angie (helmet and hi-viz jacket), cousin Pete (Goretex gloves) … This was New Year Resolution territory, it was all so smart. No scuffs, marks, rips, marks or splatters on anything. Even the Brookes saddle looked as if it had at lest another 1000 miles of pain infliction left in it. Here was a case of “ I’m going to take up cycling and to prove I’m serious I’m going to spend at least £2k doing so”. I can imagine the clamour of sales assistants at Evans Cycles (the customer care hotline number still stuck to the downtube) cross-selling and upselling as if their lives depended on it.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Ticket to ride

Unfortunately I was on the train that allows you to park you bike in an area that four people could flip down a seats were there no bikes there. Experience has shown me that non-cycling commuters don’t like this. Especially if you ask them to move to accommodate your bike.
This evening, on a relatively empty train i.e. nobody playing “sardines” in the vestibule, a commuter swore at my bike. Like it was a dog he could kick out of his favourite armchair before it skulked off to sit mournfully by the back door. Perhaps he couldn’t easily identify an owner – I was travelling incognito. No Dayglo, no Lycra. If he’d looked carefully he’d have spotted my gloves read “Gore Bike Wear” – I know, but the embroidered lettering is too closely stitched to allow unpicking.
In fairness Mr Overworked Angry Commuter has a point. Why should my bike deprive him of a seat? After all I only pay for one seat, why should I effectively take up five?
Monday, January 21, 2008
The Apartment

All very interesting, but what’s this got to do with cycling style I hear you type? Well don’t be fooled by the Apartment just because Billy Wilder preferred to film in black and white. The world that Jack Lemmon’s C.C. Baxter inhabits is rich in innovation.
- He owns a TV with as many channels as I have and what’s more it has remote control
- He prepares TV dinners
- He has an early equivalent of a personal computer on his desk
- One of bosses uses an electric shaver – at work
- Another boss drives a VW Beetle
and all in 1960, though the film’s set in ’57.
So what’s the newest innovation on your bike that makes a difference? Clipless pedals? Hinault was using them over 20 years ago. STI levers? First professional race used them to win in ’91 according to Bob Roll. Tri-bars? Lemond brought the idea across from tri-athelets to win the ’87 TDF. There's not really been much to get excited about, despite what the cycling magazines tell us.
While The Apartment seems so dated, technological “progress” it depicts can sometimes be overrated. It's happening now with the seduction the gear freak cycling fraternity. It can’t be extended to both sexes – I cannot believe that women get excited over Campagnolo’s new “Ultra Torque” hollow coupling, two piece crankset. But then perhaps I’m being a sexist as C.C. Baxter’s lothario bosses?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Stripes and stars

- Don't wear clothing with the logo of your bike on them, better still clothing with no logos at all. Unless of course your multi-million pound annual contract stipulates otherwise and even then professionals should factor in what they'll have to wear when choosing a team. Slipstream team members must be kicking themselves that they didn't negotiate harder - that strip's got to be worth £10k a month before you've even turned a pedal.
- On no account have a go at respraying your bike yourself - I speak from personal experience. Leave frame painting to the pros and spray cans to the taggers
- No neon, Dayglo paint or multi-coloured fades. If the team strip wasn't bad enough this awful Lemond paint job can't have helped Millar's Tour chances.

Monday, January 14, 2008
Handbags and gladrags

Sunday, January 13, 2008
Glory through suffering

- London to Brighton on a Raleigh Chopper
- Lands End to John O'Groates on a Brompton
- recumbent mountainbiking
- Hour record challenges with a bike seat (just getting my children to sit in a bike seat for an hour would be a record
- Motor-paced BMX racing
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Going off piste